SDO Batanes conducts Summer Camp for school librarians

Curriculum Curriculum and Instruction

Posted by admin on 2022-05-31 02:28:09 | Last Updated by admin on 2025-02-06 19:39:01

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SDO Batanes conducts Summer Camp for school librarians

�Learning can happen even under the papaya tree - so that means if you have limited number of pesos, put it in the training of teachers.� �Ret UP Prof. Clarita Carlos.

          The Schools Division Office of Batanes conducted a capacity training-workshop on Schools Division of Batanes Library Manual (SDBALIMA) to 35 school librarians and  library in-charge teachers at Kadpidan Beach, LGU Nook, Ivana, Batanes on March 2-4, 2022.

          The Summer camp training-workshop of school librarians: A capacity enhancement of Schools Division of Batanes Library Manual (SDBALIMA) aims to improve the quality and relevance of the libraries in the Division of Batanes. Hence this capacity enhancement will allow a better understanding to school librarians and designated school librarians in managing and organizing their school libraries efficiently and effectively by achieving a functional library in this new normal set �up in their respective school libraries. The SDBALIMA through the Project SMILE aims to elevate the standards of all the school libraries/ library hub and learning corners of the Schools Division of Batanes to be able to meet the minimum library standards for Philippine School Libraries.

          The three �day face to face capacity enhancement targets to hasten the knowledge/skills particularly in the following areas of concerns: library physical set up, library management, library circulation, library technical services, library collection, library acquisition, library linkages, library personnel, library committee and staff, library information technology and facilities in the new normal set-up.

          The topics on the said 3-day workshop are SDBALIMA matrix on monitoring and evaluation and PROJECT SMILE evolution and findings re-launching of PROJECT SMILE II by Joy Dee R. Bacsa, Division Librarian; Understanding the Dewey Decimal Classification for beginners; Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules for Beginners; Sears Lists of Subject Heading and Cutters Table for Beginners by Jamella L. Dondon, SNSF School Librarian II ; Personality Development and Good Grooming and Social Graces by Evangeline D. Castillo, EPS-LR; Public Speaking for School Librarians and Webinar Netiquette by Glyza Valiente, EPSp-HRD; Virtual Online Flatforms for School Librarians and DepEd Portal Management and Utilization by Araceli G. Puno, Info Tech Officer I; Library Collection Acquisition and Linkages and School Library Budget Supplies Accountability and Management by Jemar Talosig, Accountant II; School Library Basic Covid -19 Protocols and Mental Health Awareness for School Librarians by Dr. Justine Lacanilao, Medical Officer III; Basic Standard Operations and Procedures in School Libraries during Typhoon, Earthquake and Fire Alert Emergencies by Fred Gimenez, DRRM Officer.

          The program and activity was graced by our Schools Division Superintendent Eduardo C. Escorpriso Jr.; OIC-CID Chief Marcial Y. Noguera; EPS-LR Evangeline Castillo; EPS -Social Studies Felix Adami; EPS-English Carmencita Adami; EPS-Filipino Myrna Agudo and EPS-kinder and SPED Violeta Gasilao during the opening program. 

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